Plenty has been written about this scandal and from what we've heard, much of it based on firsthand observation. This guy was cheating with help from a conspirator posing as a member of the poker media.
We were told back in November that the PPT had solid video evidence of the cheating and since they pulled the trigger on banning him from the event, the evidence must be pretty damning indeed.
The PPT went out on a limb taking that sort of drastic action, and they also swallowed the negative press that resulted from evidence of cheating going on at their biggest tournament.
If you want to brush up on the background of this case our good friend Benjo did a radio interview with last year, while he was on location in Cannes at the PPT finale.
Benjo's definitely got his finger on the pulse of poker in Europe and he lays everything out nicely. Check out the youtube video of that interview below.
We'll be posting updates as this case develops so keep an eye out right here in the Blog.