The shirt reads, "Rot in hell!!! You stupid luck-box muther f****ing dick face jack ass INTerneT Punk ASS B***h - Todd AA Brunson"
We especially like his writing style which is marked by completely random capitalization and the kind of style you'd expect to see on a homeless man's sign by the side of the overpass out on the freeway.
The news was posted via Brunson's twitter account and explained, "This kid raised 10 pots in a row. I raised utg to 2100 and he open shoves 25k with pocket 77. I called with AK off And I'm out. :-("
Check out this video from our house in Las Vegas to see more of Todd Brunson's insane classiness.
*Photo credit: BJ Nemeth for WPT (We assume he took this photo, feels like a BJ to us)