Adams is super jazzed up about the new site. You can check out his explanation of what it's all about here, but the gist of it is pretty simple.
The service is looking to make one-on-one coaching easier. The coordination, payment, and audio/video session itself will all be built into the site, which is launching on April 18.
They're going to be using the domain Right now it's just an instructional DVD sales site.
The bidding on the sessions is being handled through Brandon Adams' Twitter account, and the 2p2 thread linked above. The opening bid is $3,000 each so it'll be interesting to see how much money they can raise by the time all is said and done.
Tom Dwan has pledged 100% of the cash to the charity and Antonius will almost certainly do the same.
Here's the schedule for the sessions as it stands now.
Monday, April 18. Patrik Antonius Tuesday, April 19. Tom Dwan Wednesday, April 20. Ben Sulsky (Sauce123) Thursday, April 21. Chris Sparks (GoMukYaSelf)