The Tale of the Tape
Since we don't actually have any of these stats we're going to use our super powers of deduction to figure them out. We'll be looking at photos, video and delving into our personal experience from years of watching these two play cards to make our assessments.
Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier
The last time we saw ElkY was quite some time ago and, to put it bluntly, he didn't look like a kickboxer.
Apparently he's been packing on the muscle and training kickboxing to prepare for this fight, however, and a few recent eye-witness reports indicate the training is working.
Height: 4.5 baguettes
Weight: 550 baguettes
Reach: 4 baguettes
Strengths and Special Moves: ElkY's background in StarCraft has given him the fast-twitch muscle fibers of a 15-year-old Korean boy.
Weaknesses: ElkY will have to fight his genetic predisposition for surrendering at the slightest sign of adversity.
Lex "RaSZi" Veldhuis
The Dutch have a proud tradition of kickboxing and Veldhuis has the naturally pointy elbows and knees needed to succeed in that sport.
RaSZi is said to have been training for some time with expert Dutch fighters.
Height: 6.5 wooden shoes
Weight 200 wooden shoes
Reach: 7 wooden shoes
Strengths and Special Moves: The Dutch Windmill, a move that consists of closing one's eyes and blindly swinging both arms while charging the opponent.
Weaknesses: An unrealistic confidence in the Dutch Windmill's effectiveness.
Based on the accurate and reliable stats we've put together we're giving this fight to RaSZi. He looks to have more experience and strikes us as the hungrier fighter (He's really skinny).
The match is supposed to go down at the end of May in Vegas, right before the WSOP. Keep an eye on our WSOP 2011 Live Coverage page for more info!